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Perhaps it is necessary to explain a bit about this web site, which displays the music I have created mainly for theatre and dance.


The author’s music applied to the performing arts has been a vein cultivated by many musicians of diverse backgrounds, not necessarily “composers” in the traditional meaning of the word (nevertheless, all of them end up composing after a time working in this field). Later, that experience or schooling is used for projecting, developing or experimenting in other concerns in different music areas or artistic fields… or what the drift of the trade decides.


The compositional self-education, as in my case, stems from permanently living in the trade of applied music to performing arts, which difference with the application to the audio-visual arts is that there is always a risk and improvisation factor to be taken into consideration when designing a soundtrack, because each performance does not obey to an automatized reproduction. The creative dynamic must adapt itself to really narrow deadlines, whether to get previously familiarized –there are not post production in the theatre and dance phenomenology, but creation and production are parallel processes– or to reach the opening night with the product completed, with everything solved, including technical-sound aspects.


Aesthetically and poetically, one must know (or “seem to know”) how to manage with certain depth and skill diverse genres, styles, techniques and musical possibilities, even when the musical work will always be subordinated to a greater discursive structure, which is the central plot of the play. At the same time, one must know how to combine with balance the musical work with other aesthetic dimensions of the play: acting / performance, visual and space design, physical substance of the costumes, acoustics of the room, historical and contemporary referents, audience location, technology use –not necessarily the informatics / digital-, etc.  


Since the result is the exploration of various genres and colours through 40 plays and over several years, these recordings can be classified and organized under diverse criteria (instrumentation, emotional atmospheres, variations of a same theme or of a same sequence). This task will be addressed later; also some related products (scores, high quality audio) there will be publicly offered. With this I invite you to periodically visit the site in order to be informed about its updates. You can also write in order to find out exactly when this is going to happen.  


Finally, it needs to be said that you can write your always respectful opinions, criticisms, questions and greetings, in the set up comment-cases or via private message (there you can say whatever you want… at the end of the day, it’s just music). I wish you will enjoy it…


Marcello Martínez Zúñiga

Santiago de Chile

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